Fighting property taxes the good old fashioned way

It's that time of year when we get those little pieces of paper in the mail that shows a huge increase in the appraisal value of your home from your county appraisal office. Also in the mail will be instructions for filing an online protest. I have protested both ways and I feel the most effective... Continue Reading →

Interest vs Principal

If you have ever sat down and closed on a home then you have seen the Truth-In-Lending Disclosure Statement. This document tells you the outrageous amount of interest you will pay over the life of your loan. The main focus of this statement is the Finance Charge.  This is the total interest you will pay over... Continue Reading →

Goodbye Cable

So we have cut the cord at my house. I have been talking about it for over year and finally got the green light from the wife. Since she is home every day I didn't want to throw her into technology hell (as she puts it). This is what we did it and my experience... Continue Reading →

Priorities Part 1

There is no one perfect budget or solution for everyone when it comes to personal finance. Everyone has different wants and needs in life. With that everyone has different levels of sacrifice which they are comfortable with. Take my family, for instance, I am the sole provider while my wife stays home with our kids... Continue Reading →

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